Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Cuban Bay essays

Cuban Bay essays 1961, an unsuccessful invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles, supported by the U.S. government On Apr. 17, 1961, an armed force of about 1,500 Cuban exiles landed in the Bahà ­a de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) on the south coast of Cuba Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with the approval of the Eisenhower administration, and supplied with arms by the U.S. government, the rebels intended to foment an insurrection in Cuba and overthrow the Communist regime of Fidel Castro The Cuban army easily defeated the rebels, most were either killed or captured The invasion provoked anti-U.S. demonstrations in Latin America and Europe and further embittered U.S.-Cuban relations Poorly planned and executed, the invasion subjected President Kennedy to severe criticism at home. Cuban exile leader Jos Mir Cardona, president of the U.S.-based National Revolutionary Council, blamed the failure on the CIA and the refusal of Kennedy to authorize air support for the invasion In Dec., 1962, Castro released 1,113 captured rebels in exchange for $53 million in food and medicine raised by private donations in the United States. When rebel forces under the command of Fidel Castro completed the overthrow of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista on New Year's Day, 1959, the future of U.S.-Cuban relations became uncertain, at best. As the year progressed, Castro solidified control over the revolutionary government and initiated an ambitious program of reforms, replacing American companies' control of key industries with economic measures focused on national development The CIA set about the task zealously, eager to attempt a rerun of their successful 1954 operation to overthrow Guatemala's leftist leader, President Jacobo Arbenz. Much of the Agency's planning for the Cuba program was modeled on the Guatemala campaign, which was conducted to appear as an independ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Tips For Writing An A+ Worthy Essay

Tips For Writing An A+ Worthy Essay Tips For Writing An A+ Worthy Essay If you are a student, you know it can be difficult to write a powerful essay. It can also be daunting if you don’t comprehend the content of the research you read. Here are some tips for writing an A+ worthy essay: Topic is Key Having a firm understanding of your topic is important in order to convince the reader. To get an A+, though, the essay needs to stand out from the crowd. If you can add some originality to how you address the topic, this can improve the final grade. Creating the Thesis First, concentrate on the thesis, as it’s through line of thought that holds your essay. Brainstorm ideas that will become your arguments. Dont buy into the myth that having three arguments is necessary. Having one strong argument can be enough to convince your reader. But if you have developed several good, convincing arguments, by all means, use them. The Hook The hook (also known as the attention grabber) is included in the introduction and is used to spark a readers interest. Your hook is also used in the conclusion. The attention grabber can be in the form of a question regarding the topic, but should cover a broader thought which then leads into the thesis. By adding the hook to the conclusion, you provide an answer to the initial question that got your readers attention. Giving a thorough answer will allow your reader to fully understand the writer’s point of view. Research, Research, Research Research plays a crucial role in an essay, so make sure you have all of the facts to help explain your arguments. The library or internet are great places to begin seeking information to back up your thesis. While researching and using the information, create a bibliography to recognize the resources you used. Transition Statements Connect each section of your essay with a transition statement. These allow your essay to read smoothly from beginning to end. Do you have an essay that you are having difficulty putting together? Are you confused about a particular section of your essay? Contact today toll-free at 1-800-573-0840.